Heloise Lynn

DR. HELOISE LYNN specializes in the expression and use of anisotropy in multi-dimensional datasets (multi-azimuth, multi-component, and time lapse), 3D azimuthal seismic acquisition design, azimuthal seismic processing, and azimuthal seismic interpretation. As a geophysicist in the oil and gas industry since 1975, she is knowledgeable about seismic reflection data acquisition, processing, and interpretation, and how anisotropy affects these endeavors. Her industry work during the last 44 years has also included use of VSP (vertical seismic profile data), wireline log data, lab data, core data reports, microseismic, production data, and other support data from engineers, geologists, and petrophysicists. She offers clients library searches for suitable seismic data for sale, acquisition design for new 3D seismic, supervision of re-processing said data for specific client goals (via the best contractor for the job), and interpretation to establish commercial hydrocarbon production. More information at www.Lynn-Inc.com. Heloise holds a PhD in Geophysics and an MS in Exploration Geophysics from Stanford University, and a BA in Geology from Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine.